The service dedicated to efficient and professional digital field marketing
We organise practical and technical support for market research carried out via the internet.
The aim of this support is to help produce optimised, professional results in the field created by this technology.
Today, offers for applications to host video conferencing are popping up all around us. Some of us may be ``at ease with technology``, but the truth is that many of us still find ourselves at a loss when faced with a ``technical problem`` whether this concerns the market research office, the moderators or the respondents.
A powerful meeting plateform
We evaluate, test and offer the best solutions
The best solution for remote live surveys

The complete toolbox for remote interviews
Practical and technical support for market research carried out via the internet.
The aim of this support is to help produce optimised, professional results in the field created by this technology.
The moderator is not trained in technical support. This sometimes problematic management prevents him from carrying out his project as well as possible.
Our mission: bring you a comfort that can make the internet interview as interactive and lively as if it were done face to face in the room. Allow your customers to participate in a quality E-field.
Choose your product
For an individual interview, a focus group or something else, we have the solution
Testing respondents the day before
Free for the moderator
Free for the clients
Live remote following
Customer support during the meeting
Extra charge of 20€ for the 1st hour
Professionnal transcription
Option: simultaneous transcription (price upon request)
What the moderators say

Laurence D.